The UK’s Most Sustainable Fish

Research by the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations found hake to be the UK’s most sustainable fish.

The NFFO conducted an evaluation of stock and catch data of the UK’s most commonly caught species against a criteria of 10 industry sustainability markers and hake, against very stiff competition from other species, currently meets more of the standards than any other species.

However, of the 12,000 tonnes of hake landed into the UK last year, just 1.5 per cent was consumed in the UK.

The NFFO conducted an evaluation of stock and catch data of the UK’s most commonly caught species against a criteria of 10 industry sustainability markers and hake, against very stiff competition from other species, currently meets more of the standards than any other species.

However, of the 12,000 tonnes of hake landed into the UK last year, just 1.5 per cent was consumed in the UK.

To encourage more of us to try Hake the NFFO has teamed up with leading seafood chef Mitch Tonks to create these downloadable hake recipes