NFFO participates in Downing Street food production summit


NFFO Chief Executive Mike Cohen participated in the first Farm to Fork summit at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday.

Although, as event’s title suggests, the focus was terrestrial – and so too were the major policy announcements that the Prime Minster made on the day – nevertheless, there was ample opportunity to ensure that the fishing industry’s key concerns were on the agenda. Discussions covered labour shortages, access to fishing grounds and the need to balance nature conservation objectives with food security.

The government has now made it clear that food production – both for Britain’s own security and as one of our most successful exports – will be given high priority. They have also made it clear that fishing is an important part of this.

If this is a real commitment and not just an attempt to pacify an industry placed under increased pressure by the government’s own policies, we should expect to see it reflected in actions. We should expect to see our access to fishing grounds protected; unnecessary and restrictive regulations rethought; fishing prioritised in international negotiations.

Time will tell.