David Linkie 1954 – 2021


The news of David Linkie’s untimely death will have saddened hearts across the UK fishing industry. As journalist, photographer and editor for Fishing News, David forged a breath-taking range of friendships and contacts across nations, regions, ports, vessel sizes and sectors.

When he undertook his detailed vessel reviews for the pages of FN, he was as engaged with and enthusiastic about the small Northumbrian coble every bit as much as the latest pelagic trawler. The detailed information that he captured and conveyed was fascinating, especially to those who need the technical information to help make their own decisions. It is doubtful whether any other person was so well connected and so well respected across the whole UK fishing industry.

It was the word enthusiasm that most people who met David will recognise and associate with him. And from that enthusiasm came a deep knowledge which allowed him to be an effective editor of the industry’s trade newspaper.

Committed, immensely likeable and knowledgeable, David’s presence aboard the latest vessel, or on the quayside, or in the pages of Fishing News, will be sorely missed.

Our deep sympathies go to his wife and family.