Court Injunction


The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations has expressed regret that offshore wind developer, Dong Energy, has issued an injunction against Norfolk fishermen who work in an area the company wants to survey.

NFFO Chief Executive, Barrie Deas, commented:

“It is very
regrettable that the company has seen fit to turn to the courts over an issue that
should be resolved through dialogue and negotiations. Fishermen have a
legitimate right to fish on their customary grounds and using a high court
injunction to force them out of the way seems like using a sledgehammer to
crack a nut.

“In over 30
years, there have been very few examples in which offshore developers have
resorted to the courts. We can usually sort out an amicable arrangement that
compensates fishermen for losing temporary or permanent access to their fishing
areas. On the whole, the fishing industry’s relationship with offshore
developers – whether in the oil and gas, cables or renewables sectors – have
been exemplary. It has generally been possible to establish procedures to
ensure successful coexistence. It comes as a surprise that a big stick approach is now being used.

“It seems that Dong
Energy has left insufficient time to reach agreement with local fishermen and
there has been a regrettable breakdown in dialogue.”